
Welcome to the GfB

Offers for young people

Working people and those changing over

New in Germany

For jobseekers

For companies

Offers for young people

Our offers and measures are aimed at young people who are still at school, are already in training or are still looking for the right path for themselves.


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Working people and those changing over

Our offers are aimed at people who are employed, who want to reorient themselves professionally or who want to continue training in their current profession.

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New in Germany

Our services are aimed at people who are new to Germany and are looking for support in finding their way around their new surroundings. We advise on the recognition of foreign educational and professional qualifications, offer courses to improve German language skills and support you in the application process right through to finding a job.

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For jobseekers

Our offers are aimed at people who are looking for professional support in the areas of digitalisation and job application training. Pointing out new perspectives is also part of our services. We advise interested parties individually and according to their current life and employment situation and go job hunting together.

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For companies

Our offers are aimed at companies that are looking for employees in different areas and sectors or would like to support the further training of their existing staff.

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About us

We introduce ourselves and our locations.

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