
Employment Advice Center (Beratungsstelle Arbeit) – Our free offer for citizens of Duisburg

The Employment Advice Center offers Duisburg citizens a free and diverse range of advice and support services for various areas of life. Through individual appointments, comprehensive advice, support and information on social law issues, economic difficulties, family challenges and issues of labor exploitation (education and prevention) can be guaranteed. GfB also offers help with applying for social benefits, support with problems with employers, the jobcenter, the employment agency (Agentur für Arbeit), the family benefits office (Familienkasse), the youth welfare office (Jugendamt) and other offices and authorities. You will also receive support with career guidance and information on offers from other specialist services and organizations in Duisburg. 

There is also the opportunity to prepare application documents with the help of the job coaches, to optimize existing documents and to search for suitable jobs independently on the PC. Various group activities on current topics and job application training round off the offer.

Thanks to financial support from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Social Fund, the services offered by the employment advice center are for free. They are aimed to Duisburg citizens who are unemployed, at risk of unemployment or in precarious or exploitative working conditions.

Location addresses

Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Beschäftigungsförderung mbH

Wörthstraße 128

47053 Duisburg

Access via the side entrance Fröbelstraße

Approach by public transport:

Tramway (Straßenbahn): 903

Stop: Marienhospital

From the stop, follow Wörthstraße for approx. 300m. We share a driveway with the Aldi store. You will find our educational centre on the right-hand side of the grounds.

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Martina Steffen

Phone and Whatsapp :
0203 60986-152

Email :

Languages :

Christoph Wolter

Phone and Whatsapp :
0203 60986-314

Email :

Languages :

Melanie Clemens

Phone and Whatsapp :
0203 -60986-314

Email :

Languages :