
Senior care - Our visiting service for senior citizens

For many years now, our "Duisbürger" have been out and about throughout the Duisburg city area, making everyday things in the lives of our senior citizens a little easier. Our elderly fellow citizens can contact us for entertaining entertainment, accompaniment on a walk or support when going to the doctor. Our service is free of charge.

We offer our visiting service as part of a work opportunity - this is the official term for a two-euro job. Our supervisors are trained accordingly in advance. We cannot offer: Care services, household chores or shopping services.

Location addresses

Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Beschäftigungsförderung mbH

Usedomstraße 17

47169 Duisburg

Lines: 908, 909, 910, 903, 908, 995

From the Albert-Einstein-Straße stop, turn into Usedomstraße. At the end on the right-hand side is the GfB Duisburg grounds.


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Uta Siebenhüner

Phone and Whatsapp :
0203 54424-184

Email :

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