
Youth workshop

In the youth workshop there is the possibility to get to know different professions and to (further) orientate oneself professionally. In the in-house workshops of the youth workshop, young people can try out and develop their own professional strengths together with our instructors in the areas of painting & construction work, woodwork & carpentry work and housekeeping & service. Social pedagogues are on hand to provide individual support and counselling. The offer is also rounded off by a variety of leisure and sports activities in the group. In addition to expanding and consolidating school knowledge, school-leaving qualifications that are necessary for taking up a qualified vocational training occupation can also be obtained. Accompanying this, our job coaches offer application training and preparation for recruitment tests & entrance exams. The focus here is on the individual's development and vocational training & integration opportunities, so that by working out realistic work and life perspectives, long-term vocational integration can succeed.

The contents of the youth workshop are aimed at youths and young adults between the ages of 16 and 25 who have not yet been able to find a vocational training place. Access is possible via the general vocational or rehabilitation counselling of the employment agency, the network of local special schools and vocational colleges, the job centre's job placement service or on a voluntary basis.

Location addresses

Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Beschäftigungsförderung mbH
Usedomstraße 17
47167 Duisburg

Lines: 908, 909, 910, 903, 908, 995
From the Albert-Einstein-Straße stop, turn into Usedomstraße. At the end on the right-hand side is the GfB Duisburg grounds.

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Neslihan Disbudak

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0203 54424-235

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