
Potential Analysis, No Qualification without Connection (PA, KAoA)

The potential analysis is an assessment of strengths and competencies for pupils in the 8th grade. Class. It aims to help young people (better) understand their own professional, methodological, social and personal potential with regard to working life through self-assessment and assessment by others. In six exercises, the young people can discover their own interests, inclinations and possibilities and thus get clues for a possible career perspective. The evaluation of the exercises takes place afterwards and is communicated to the pupils in a personal feedback meeting (handing out of a vocational field passport) at the respective school, if desired also accompanied by the parents.

Journey by public transport

Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Beschäftigungsförderung mbH
Wörthstraße 128                                                        
47053 Duisburg

Tramway (Straßenbahn): 903
Stop: Marienhospital
From the stop, follow Wörthstraße for approx. 300m. We share a driveway with the Aldi store. You will find our educational centre on the right-hand side of the grounds.

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Thomas Linz

Phone and Whatsapp :
0203 60986-160

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